Because i am needy
i will need a few things from you...Call me by my name.
Listen to my stories sometimes.. even though they annoy you sometimes.
Tell me your truth
not the truth i want to hear
but the truth you are living.
Let me explain something if i know more about it than you.
Kiss me a lot.
If you need more kisses please tell me.. with your lips..
Ask me to do things for you. i need to be reminded.
Understand that i'm terrified. of almost everything. until i am brave.
and then i am very very brave.
Play me ragtime on the piano.
Love me until you don't.
don't be angry when i say things like, "love me until you don't."
Wear the red pants.
Tell me your dreams even when i'm tired.
Come over tonight and hold my hand on the couch.