April 29, 2012

April 28, 2012

when did this silence come?
my languages
in locked lungs.
where did this muting
come from?

all night i sift
daydreams.  flies to swat.
they come to sit
and stay to rot.

then quiet
like birds

April 26, 2012

                                                         smiling in her sleep.

April 15, 2012

April 2, 2012

The Filling

i am full of words and bones and puzzles
i am full of thread and foals and pencils
i am full of metal and cancer and crashing
i am full of dreaming.

i am full of laughter and lemonade
i am full of boyfriends and summer
i am full of shit.  and full of arguments.

i am full of hamburgers and highways and lamp posts
i am full of acid and disco and dime bags
i am full of my family, my mother and sidewalks
i am full of my father
i am full of luck and terror
i am full of tornados and pond water.

i am covered in scars.

i am full of sad songs
i am full of 1976
i am full of Sheba and television and quarter horses
i am full of fences and birch trees and bb guns
i am full of fireworks.

i am full of fight
i am full of light
i am full of prayer and liquor and love
i am full of voices and courage and back roads
i am full of friendship...
and questionable stories
i am full of blue ribbons
and pickup trucks.

i am full of lightening.
and emptiness
and earthquakes and sex

and saxophone.

i am full of myself
i am full of him
and them
i am full of beginnings
and the end and God and guesses
i am full of questions and piano lessons
i am full of suitcases and jasmine and trumpet
i am full of clocks and train tracks
i am full of kisses and woe
i am full of strangers and sorrow
i am full of ideas and triangles and gutter balls
and dance halls.
i am full of tears...

but when i spill
i spill my heart.